
Showing posts from August, 2018

God's Israel

God's Israel are the spiritual Israel. They are the Israel after the spirit not after flesh. They are not from the nation of Israel but they are; 1.Those adopted into Christ. They are the born again; born of the spirit, etc. Romans 9:4-8. 2.Those that have covenant with God by sacrifice. They let go the world and take pleasures in things of righteousness. 3. They are the children of the promise d that God promised Abraham. Romans 9:8. 4. They are those elected by grace. They are born into Christ. Romans 9:11; 11:1-2,5-6. 5. They are those that have obtained the righteousness which is by faith. Romans 9:30. May be you are chosen, elected, adopted , covenanted into the Israel of God , then know that, you are: 1, You are the beloved of God. Romans 8:37. 2. You are a holy vessel for Him. Jer. 2:3. 3. You are HIS first fruit. Jer. 2:3 4.You are anointed by him. Psalm 105:15. You are blessed as the Israel of God.